Thursday, September 4, 2014

Spring base restoration

This love seat and chair set in units sure got some age to them.
The longer bench was totally warped out and the owner re-made another and set the springs in also.
Sure did a nice job.
 Old timers deserve traditional build up as much as practical.
Hand sewn the front lines to the spring rail.
 This 3/4 inch decking pad sure smooths out the spring base for a smooth sitting experience.
And hand sewn around all 4 sides of both bases.
 I "know a guy" that supplies me with the cleanest cotton batting around!
The right amount is key to this job coming out beyond criticism.
 The front lines set strait without any waves.
 The corners nice and full, with no scalloping.
Upholstery is such an inexact science.
Sure did some head work to get the design cuts right so they are looking sharp for years to come.
The seam in the back, exactly in the center.
And the front line crisp and strait as possible.
 And "topped off" with cleanly set dust covers.
And after a good inspection, a nice wrap to protect, until these pieces rejoin the main frames.
Thanks for looking!
Practical Upholstery
The #1 blog in all of blogdom
For small town North American upholstery shops!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Wing Backs

I acquired after a country ride through the woods of New Hampshire.
With customer supplied krill velvet.
 With double rolled arms, setting all four arms the same is important.
The outsides all backed & lined with natural cotton.
Cotton is so nice to give soft sounds in the room where these chairs reside.

They sure looked nice under the lights over the long weekend at night.
 The wood cleaned up nicely.

Velvet is always a challenge to tailor up.
Any discrepancy will jump out at your eye.
 The pair of seat cushions tailored up with improvements made to the pattern.
 Custom deep fitted surged arm covers.
 After a final look over and wrap the seat cushions.
This pair is ready to serve.
The owner got 14 yards for these large wing backs.
There is 1/2 yard to spare.
Thanks for looking!