Thursday, March 26, 2020

Third Times A Charm

I estimate this old timer was created between WW1 & WW2 or the early 1950's.
It was restored once along the way. This is the 3rd time it's had maintenance in 60 or 80 years.
The spring twines & bottom base webbing were in good shape but set way loose when last upholstered. The spring field has a huge crown that needs to be addressed.  Another coat of each on bottom and top shall bring things back to it's proper order.

Fresh nosing around the base will crisp out the lines.
Carefully reworking the cotton stuffings.
And hand sewing the carefully patterned base assembly helps to make this base not perfect, but beyond criticism.
Resetting the arm paddings with a thin coat of cotton readies these arms proper for generations to come.

Carefully table patterning & stitching of the channel back assembly.
each channel inspected and splashed with a thin coat of new cotton batting.
Lots of tailoring setting these channels in place properly.

Of course the outside arms & back are backed and lined.
Proud piping set tight to the frame really help draw out the lines.
No  box store dust covers around here.
Only woven black fabric with painted black staples.
My Merrow 3 thread serger helps fine finish the pleated skirt assembly.
After stealing in place the pleats it does a few gays of set training before attaching to the frame.
A 3/4 inch height really is a perfect height from the floor. 
The skirt sure makes this piece proud.

Surged deep fitted arm covers help stretch out the fabric life.

Pointed seat cushion tailoring along the channel back.
Ready to serve.
The down & feather seat cushion insert was border line as to wether or not to add more feathers & down.  It's a zipper slide away to add more as this piece is used.
Thanks for looking here!
Practical Upholstery
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