Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monadnock Figurines

Monadnock Moai

Updated  14 September 2012
The eyes are in!
A fella named Mike was instrumental in the design and creation of the eye sets.
Here is my son Zach displaying the eyes.
 And the Moai' on the front lawn.

 The eyes themselves are custom made glass pupils by Mike, and the white plaster o' paris.
Magnets were installed when the Moai' was created. Metal gliders set in the back of the eye for attachment. 
Below shows the mold I created with inspiration from Mike, a true artist.

Created at the base of Mount Monadnock in Jaffrey New hampshire.
Shop front display. 
32 inches in hieght. 
The first Monadnock Moai sold just yesterday!
These Monadnock made moai will be a topic of conversations for hundreds of years to come.
Great for advertizing on storefronts. private or public landscaping. If you are interested in owning a 32 inch high cement monadnock moai created in Jaffrey new hampshire at the base of Mount Monadnock stop on in the shop.

My posts have been a little scarse lately. I have been learning casting.  I've picked small casted pieces to reproduce at first.  There is quite a learning curve to it all.  Below you will find my casted pieces in cement and casting plaster.  The obelisks and the moai's are my creation. 
candle cups 
 All reproduction molds made and poured in Jaffrey new hampshire by me.

 Below is the "hatchery" I built where the molds set for 24 hours or so.

After a few months getting used to the materials and climbing up the learning curve I created a master statue from scratch. A 32 inch high monadnock moai inspired from easter island ancient statues from the stone age.
here are a few late picks of the master statue. T
Here the mouth has yet to be created.
 32 inches high.
 The nose needs a few more touch ups.
 Layering the skin.
And ready to make a mold so I can cast concrete statues, shown here with my grandson Johnny.
Here shows the 1st cement Moai statue out of the mold 2 days.
Below pics of the mold making process.
 Little bit of carpentry involved.
 Half of the mothermold complete.

 Pretty important to get the stands level.
 Mold complete and level ready to pour.

 Perfectly level no shimming needed. Thats what I call a happy accident.

These Monadnock made moai will be a topic of conversations for hundreds of years to come.
 Great for advertizing on storefronts. private or public landscaping. If you are interested in owning a 32 inch high cement monadnock moai created in Jaffrey new hampshire at the base of Mount Monadnock stop on in the shop.
Wax staues of Buddha
Wax has a great texture to the eye and hand. color is so vibrant.
After a learning curve I am having success in casting wax statues.
I am looking foward to creating a broad spectrum of colors.
Technology fails in showing the bright lime green buddha on the right.
Below shows the 1st 3 successful casts.
The height of the wax statues shown are 8 and a half inches.

Thanks for looking!

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