Monday, February 25, 2013

Contemporary Side chair repair

Here is a danish chair that the bottom blew out.
I carefully removed all the staples and cleaned up all the dust.
 I hand stitched all the cross points to ready them for re-tailoring.

 And new foam and polywrap.
 Shown the base from underneath.
 And the completed chair ready to stand for quite a while longer.
Thanks for looking!

lion's head and claw feet

Here is a really solid old chair. 
 This ones got some real age to it.
An upholsterer got a hold of this one and created a cover up.
               There was 2 layers of tacks and staples plus layers of cotton and upholstery.
The tailoring cuts were shortcut from the original design.
All those layers gave the chair a sloppy overstuffed look.
I thinned out the lines back the way they originally were.

 The tailoring cuts for the arms, seat, and back, got quite complex underneath the arms at the back.
Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wing back winter "blue"s

Here is a wing back to be upholstered from southern new hampshire.
The owner supplied the fabric.
A soft light blue tweed.
The main frame needed re-gluing so I removed the front corner blocks, cleaned them up and glued and set them.
Allowing them to set up a couple days.

 I worked up a set of deep fitted arm covers.  Directly below shows them surged.
 I took the time to clean up the wood on the legs.
Nice clean base piping tieing in the legs with the base.
 A nice light coat of cotton on the outsides.
With piping to accent the lines.
 I added a coat of cotton to the arms and inside back for comfort.
 A fresh coat of polywrap on the existing cushion really freshens up the seat cushion.

Thanks for looking!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wing Back Upholstery New Hampshire Style

Here is a wing back that has been in service for 50 years or a bit more.
The design is superior as it was designed to be low labor time for reworking.
 Some fresh cotton on the arms is all that is needed for the next 50 years.
 Springs in the inside back make for an awesome comfortable seating.
 Hand sewn arm fronts.

 Fabric wasd chosen from my in stock "fabric library".

 Below shows deep fitted surged arm covers.

 The cotton seat cushion with marshall springs give a great seat for a long time to come.
This chair is ready to go another 50 !

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Febuary 2013 snowstorm

Sure looks like 2 solid feet of snow fell overnight.
 The shop windows sure aren't visible under 5 feet of snow, from the highway snowplowers.

 Sure took a while to get the door useable.
 Pics from inside the shop.
The snow completely covered the windows.
The light passes through thesnow at the top of the window.
 The town will hopefully use their snowblower to clean the sidewalks so not to blow out all the windows.
Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

mbrp exhaust fabric / cloth stack covers

Here is a set of  stack covers for a mud truck with MBRP exhaust stack covers.
This set is made from marine grade black vinyl fabric.
 Sewn with bonded nylon with top stitched seams.
From the top to the bottom of the cover is 20 inches in length.

 A strong magnet is sewn into the tab to keep the covers secure.
And placed toward thne cab for a nice clean look, pretty much out of sight.
 The circumference of the stack pipe is 23 5/8 inches measured with a soft tape.
The slant cut is 8 inches.
 The fella' I worked these up for was really pleased with the mbrp exhaust fabric/cloth stack covers .
                                                            Thanks for looking!

Floating Art

These are beginning pictures of upholstery of a "party boat" that seats 10 folks plus the captain.
The boat sure has some age to it.  I have been asked to really spice up the tailoring.
 An upholsterer stripped all the original tailoring when he tacked simple covers years ago.
 All new designed patterns are going to be created.
 All the pieces have been brought into the shop, stripped inspected and dried out.
 Below pic is of the bow storage bin, armrests, and cup holders.
stripped re-glued and dried out.

 The custom paterned covers steamed up well for proper tailoring.
 And the finished pieces ready to be installed.

 Below shows the foam from the top panel that covers the fantail of the boat.
This wear was because of the foam being exposed to rain,sun and wind.
New foam will replace this ruined foam.
 All the t-nuts were rusted and frozen.  They were all dug out and replaced.
 New foam, cut and glued to the plate.
 The finished plate with blue splashed for an attractive look.

 Below is the mid-ship seat flop backrest tailore up.
And below is the captains helm.
The frame was glued and stapled to firm up the wooden frame before upholstering.
 The blue piping and door help dress up the console.
Exposed foam to the elements really deteriorate fast.
I cut out the damaged foam part and cut and glued new foam to the damaged area on several seat plates.
 And a thin coat of polywrap so it vwill tailor up nice and clean.
 And pics of more boat parts completed.

 A good amount of holes so moisture can escape.
 3 part foam, for the fantail back rest.
 Shown completed.
Below is the wooden frame tha goes across the fantail of the party boat.
All the glue and 2 inch staples had long ago deteriorated.
I tapped open all the seams, put some great glue and plenty of 2" staples to get this back in shape.
 Below shows the base with the restored seat cushions.

All the pieces delivered to the boat yard for mechanics installation.