Tuesday, February 5, 2013

mbrp exhaust fabric / cloth stack covers

Here is a set of  stack covers for a mud truck with MBRP exhaust stack covers.
This set is made from marine grade black vinyl fabric.
 Sewn with bonded nylon with top stitched seams.
From the top to the bottom of the cover is 20 inches in length.

 A strong magnet is sewn into the tab to keep the covers secure.
And placed toward thne cab for a nice clean look, pretty much out of sight.
 The circumference of the stack pipe is 23 5/8 inches measured with a soft tape.
The slant cut is 8 inches.
 The fella' I worked these up for was really pleased with the mbrp exhaust fabric/cloth stack covers .
                                                            Thanks for looking!

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