Monday, October 7, 2013

Rococco revival 1930's

If some one in the 1940's or the year of 2013 that combines style craftsmanship and comfortable furniture built to last.
this 3 piece set is a great example.
The last upholsterer left a coat of tacks and then upholstered again with a carpet stapler.
Quite a few hours getting the staple and tack lines clear and smooth.
The detail in the wood cleaned up with a toothbrush and restor-a-finish.
New nosing tailored with the curve of the frame base.
And a coat of cotton underneath.
And hand sewn seam to the decking.
 The cotton stuffings on the inside arms needed some freshening up.
 As well as the channels for the inside back.
 The channel back has mirrored and tapered flutes all assembled for uniform mirror tailoring.
 Shown below 4 channels stuffed.

 With the proper working of the channel stuffings there is minimal tailoring at the frame.
 Note the finished wood draws all the way to the deck.
 Kept nice and proud.
So they can be seen.
The outside backed with thin fabric and cotton with presewn together back to the arms with piping split and steamed.
 No waves
No puckers
No bumps
or dimples.

 Notice the fabric pattern is square to the frame.
 The decorative tacks really help this chair keep it's character.
 Nice clean intersections.
 The old seat cushion cover removed
fresh coat of cotton before packing.
 The seat cushion exact flow to the frame it sits above.

 What great hand carvings.

 Ready to serve!
And the other chair.
Tag below shows the original creators in Chicago.
 The burlap sill has plenty of life left in it.
A second backing will help in the decades to come.

 The inside arms with stepped down top and bottom really took quite a while to pattern out correctly.

Thanks for looking!


  1. thats a beautiful chair dad! keep up the good work. I need to do some blog post of my own. :)

  2. The chair is so elegantly looking! I love the design. I wish I know how to do upholstery. I really need to start learning how.
