Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New England Safe House

These two are the leader of the pack to a set of eleven Jacobean dining chairs.
The set reside in a beautiful casual country safe house nestled in a secret location in the mountains of New England. 
These two have arrived in my shop since it has been a while since they have had any attention.
"I know a guy" who happened to stop in while I was cracking' on these pieces.
He placed these as a very nicely done jacobean set.  The originals were created in the 1600's.
These sure have plenty of age, but not back that far.
They are in nice solid shape with no play in the joints at all.
Solid oak wood which is amazing when considering all the ornate carving.
Below note all the stippling (holes) throughout.
 And hand made pegs and joints throughout the chair.

 The narrow blocks and no coil springs really date these back in time as well as the oxidization of the wood inside the base.
 Flying cherubs holding up a crown with triple triangles.
There is just over a half an inch tack line to upholster the outside back plate & inside back plate & gimp.
Squared off circles.
 The horse hair dusted out & trimmed.
 The old cotton discarded & new fresh cotton applied.
 Looking all the while for strait clean crisp lines all the way through applying the gimp with hot melt glue.
After removing the old base fabric & cotton, inspecting & adding more horse hair from my shop "bone yard".

 It's all about keeping these pieces proper. Any excessive crown on the seat base will ruin this job, 
in my humble opinion.
Just right, is right.
Time to work a full coat of cotton & the finish fabric.
I say I've been in the school of hard knocks for a long time to get the corner cuts crisp clean & wrinkle free.

 And the piping as well, to trim out the seat bases as before.

 No inexpensive dust cover on these old timers.
 Keep those circles squared away.

More pics of the awesome carvings.
 The arm caps all carefully mirror set of course.
 Lets enjoy a few more carving pics

 Ready to go back to their safe house.

Thanks for looking!
Practical Upholstery
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for North American upholstery shops.

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