Tuesday, October 2, 2012

French love seat

This small french provincial love seat frame sure has a lot of style.
The fabric comes from a textile mill outside Paris France.
With the removing of lots of staples to get a clean line on the finished wood, I am ready to tailor up this 36 inch repeat fabric.
 Here below the outside back.
 And the outside arms.
 And the inside with the centering throughout.
 And with the completed seat cushion.  I used the smaller 4/32 piping cord.
 I allowed the tailoring of the seat cushion to flow  as oppose to the heart centering on the cushion as the vine flows with the inside back fabric onto the down cushion.
 And the front view.
The custom gimp arrives from Boston the piece will be complete.
Here it is.
 Nice gimp that ties in well.
Thanks for looking!

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