Friday, October 5, 2012

Moorish window fabric chair

A friend of mine gifted me this chair from his storage he has had in storage for years.
 He is an antique wood artisan and dates this piece from the 1840's.
Below you can see the original frame that was beefed up probably 30 years ago.
 Whoever beefed up this chair did a very nice job.
What a solid chair in great shape.
Note the original arm post.

Well after removing the old coats cotton lots of tacks to the cheesecloth this inspected up real nice after freshening up the exposed wood.
Check out what seems to be the original wheel assemblies in really great shape.

And a pic of the base from the bottom. Clean for sure.
This fabric from my in stock fabric library is a Moorish window design which has been in use in europe for hundreds of years.
It kinda could be considered contemorary but it's not.
And the completed piece.
Under lined with fresh coats of cotton throughout.

Thanks for looking !

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